My first remix of J-Pop was “Fly High” by Ayumi Hamasaki, and although it wasn’t my first remix, it was the start of a long journey that lead to playing across the USA at Anime Conventions sharing various J-Pop, and ended up with me moving to Japan to follow a career in the music industry. Along the way, my style has continued to develop and change through the years, however there has been a set of core fans that have always expressed a love for my old remixes.

Most of my old remixes where distributed mostly through internet fan forums, Peer-2-Peer download software such as Napster, Kazaa, and limewire directly from me. Also, there was a time that all my remixes were hosted on mediafire, and eventually were all deleted after a long run sharing. This means that currently attaining some of these remixes is difficult.

Since the means to host these files on my own website has been in my ability, and recently discovering how many of my new fans are interested in these works (and missed out on the original releases), I’ve decided to upload this collection of mp3 files from my archives.

This collection is not 100% complete due to alot of the original files are not even in my possession, and back then many of the files were not encoded at 320kbs bit rate. I apologize, however please enjoy this time capsule of music.

At 39 total files this zip file totals 467.8mb this is a large download. And my server is prone to what’s called “Server Time-out” on these types of file transfers. Please use a download manager for your internet browser that supports resuming downloads (such as the excellent free DownloadThemAll plugin for Firefox), and you shouldn’t have a problem downloading this file.

With that said, I hope people can still enjoy these works. I put a lot of love into these remixes, and although my skills as a producer have grown since the time most of the tracks were made, I hope that my love for Ayumi Hamasaki’s music shows.

Please enjoy!

Download “ayumi hamasaki remix pack v2” – Downloaded 335 times – 455.63 MB
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